I have been mentioning this prismatic on and off for a little while now. It appears that Element finally has full specs on the website including the reticle pictures:
I designed the reticles for these, and they have been a long time coming. First production scopes are on their way here and I will do a full review. The prototypes were very good, so I have high hopes for these scopes.
These are large prism scopes, so they will not be light. They look to be around 17 ounces without the mount. I'll weigh everything when they get here, but I am guessing that it will be in the same weight range as SwampFox Saber with the mount included. The mount supports a short picatinny rail section in a range of different positions, so getting an auxiliary optic on should be pretty straightforward.
Optically, these should be more or less the best we currently have among 5x prismatics with the parallax turret helping to dial in the image for the distance you are shooting. However, until production models get here, it is all an educated guess, no more.
The reticles are designed in a way I think is appropriate for a high quality prismatic of this magnification. Most reticles on current offerings are either too much or too little (I have not yet seen all that are available from other makers). I tried to get these done in a way that is just right. It took a couple of attempts, but I think these are good. We'll see what the market says.
Once the scopes are here, I'll set up the camera behind each onee and walk you through what I had in mind.
I am very careful about who I work with. Before I agree to work on the reticle I make it a point to know exactly what scope it is going into. If I think that the scope is not good enough or the people behind the product are not honorable, I politely decline and we part ways. I like the guys behind Element and the 5x30 prismatic looked very promising.