Scope for 17HMR? and a few updates
In some parts of the world, Sunday is the end of the week. In others, it is the start of a week. My dayjob is with an Israeli company and they take Friday and Saturday off. For them, Sunday is kinda like Monday is for us. It takes all of my powers of self-control to avoid digging through work e-mails on Sunday. I have learned the hard way that they are best left for the Monday mayhem.
Not sure how that is going to play out this time around since I am going to get on the plane later today and spend the week in Texas: mostly in Dallas, but also a day in Houston.
There is always some irregularity to my schedule when travelling, but I plan to do at least one live show either from the hotel room or from my office, most probably on Thursday night. That would be the usual Facebook/Youtube business.
However, I am also considering doing a shorter live show here on Locals on Tuesday to work through some of the questions I have been getting. There have been a few via e-mail and otherwise. That would also be a good time for a general Q&A if you are up to it.
How about we do this: if there is anything specific you would like me to address, please post it here in the comment section and I will answer them the best I can Tuesday night.
A couple of other updates:
1) I finally received Zeiss S5 LRP 3-18x50 and started looking at it. That means I can finally finish that High End Tactical Review that I kicked off and it is only a couple of months late. Unfortunately, I already sent the ZCO 4-20x50 back, so there I will have to go off of my memory. Steiner M7Xi 2.9-20x50 needs to go back as well, so wrapping up with that will be my first priority when I return.
2) I am also wrapping up with my review of the Trijicon Tenmile 3-18x44. It is currently sitting on a freakishly accurate 17HMR Vudoo V22M rifle, but soon enough the Tenmile will need to go back to Trijicon (nice scope by the way, although the overall length presents some mounting issues on shroter rifles) and I need to decide what I want to use as a "permanent" scope on the Vudoo. If you were me, what would you put on this 17HMR?
By the way, a review of the Vudoo is coming as well, of course, and all I can say at this stage is that I should have gotten one more and probably will. I am looking to get an ultra accurate 22LR and based on my experience with this Vudoo, I really should just get a 22LR version of the same rifle and call it a day. However, that would be too simple and make too much sense, so every fiber of my being is resisting this obvious act of sanity. I think the right was to go is to get a Vudoo, a RimX and an Anschutz in the same caliber and do a proper side-by-side.
Anyone want to buy a kidney?