There is a famous saying: "We make plans, and then life happens". I keep on making careful and detailed plans and then... see above.
My wife's grandfather is not well, so she had to get on the plane. Between that and me travelling next week, I will not be able to do an evening livecast for another week or two. I will likely do one mid-day on Sunday though, when I do not have herd my kids into bed. I will do a separate post with the link, but I am aiming at 2PM Mountain Time on Sunday, May 16th.
I am planning to go over the strengths and weaknesses of a couple of US Optics scopes I have on hand and then do the usual Q&A on whatever comes to mind.
My work travel next week takes me to Midwest and since I will be out there anyway, I will go visit Vortex and their new Edge training center.
I got a chance to walk through the facility very briefly before they were open and it is a really interesting place with a 100yard indoor range and a bunch of interactive training tools. I will have more details after the trip, but there are several very interesting simulators there, one being the 300 degree VirTra 300 indoor video simulator. It will take some fast talking and all on my part, but I think I will be able to convince them to let me play with that for a little bit. Sometimes, I am very convincing. I am really looking forward to that.
Moving on, I plan to head over to Alaska during the first half of June with my son, to go do some black bear hunting and fishing. My wife and daughter were originally slated to go to Israel at the same time, but since there is open war their again with Hamas and PLO terrorists that got cancelled. It makes me want to do another politics-oriented livecast and talk a little bit about the Middle East. We have a lot of family there we have not seen since before COVID. Hopefully, things will quiet down a little and we will all be able to go. My grandmother who lived not far from the Dead Sea died last December and I want to be able to visit the cemetery before too long. Perhaps this June trip cancellation is a blessing in disguise and we will end up with entire family going to Alaska, or perhaps we will come up with something else. Remember when I said "we make plans, then life happens"? Well, this is one of those.
I am not much of a hunter although this is something I want to do a lot more of. I will likely do the bear hunt with a 45Super handgun, but I am still deliberating that. I am even less of a fisherman, unfortunately. Thankfully, I have a friend in Alaska who is incredibly gracious with his time and I will have lean heavily on his expertise and good nature.
As a side note, I did buy a set of waders for the fishing we plan to do and with those on, I look like a giant OD green pregnant penguin. Let's hope that does not scare the fish away.
There is a lot to see in Alaska, so I am really looking forward to this. There are a couple of things I really want to make sure we do, but beyond that we will just play it by ear.