There isn't a whole lot I can say on this anniversary of 9/11 that was not said a year ago or two years ago or three years ago, etc.
Some of what you see below is directly plagiarized from what I wrote on this day a year ago. Then again, is it really plagiarism if I wrote the original?
It has been 23 years since 9/11.
That means there is a full of generation of kids who are now out of college and serving fries armed with their fine arts degrees who have no understanding of what 9/11 was and who perpetrated it.
For most of us it is a very somber day to remember. Yet, for the "would you like fries with that postmodernist education" crowd it is ancient history. These are the same people who demonstrate for Hamas today on college campuses.
It is nor surprise that they have no knowledge or understanding of the Holocaust. They have no knowledge or understanding of the much more recent 9/11.
If there was ever a stronger indictment of the American educational system, I would like to see. We are pushing out into the world a whole generation of of people who are highly educated on paper and functionally illiterate in every important sense of the word. Literacy is not just being able to read the word. It also implies understanding its meaning.
My kids go to a very good school. I am very curious to see if there will be any mention of 9/11 today.
I am also a little curious if whoever is running the country at the moment will dust off Biden one last time to mumble something about the significance of this date. He should tell that to the families of the soldiers killed because of his administration's incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan.
I am sure, all the regular talking heads out there will fill the airwaves with detailed recollections of how they felt on that day from the safety of their studios.
They can take all that empathy and shove it where the sun do not shine. Between the pro-jihad Biden administration and the pro-jihad mainstream media, they have done more to revive the islamist movements around the world and the US than Bin-Laden could ever hope for.
Remember that when yo go to the polls in 2024.
I wasn't in New York on 9/11/2001. I didn't serve in the armed forces. I did not deploy to the Middle East. I did not make policy decisions. I can criticize the way we went about it all I want, but it is easy to do with the benefit of hindsight.
Arguably the biggest problem I, personally, had after 9/11 is that since I look vaguely Mediterranean and speak with a funny accent, I got searched a lot while trying to go through airport security. I like to think of that as a potentially important life skill: if I ever have to take a job at an obese and geriatric Chippendale's, I have had plenty of practice stripping down in world record times.
What I am trying, somewhat awkwardly, to get to is that my feelings on 9/l1 do not matter. Neither do the feelings of most people who were not there for the attack or the subsequent deployments to the Middle East.
What I THINK on the subject may be worthwhile. What I FEEL is not.
With that, I am going to shut up for now and go work.
In an odd way, there are few things that reflect the American idea more than working your ass off in pursuit of your dreams.