Now that I am home after getting laughed at by all the elk in NE Wyoming, I started looking through my e-mail and noticed an article from the EveryDay Marksman called "In Defense Of The SMG". At first I thought that Matt was baiting me, but then I realized that it is written by someone else for EDM. It is written quite nicely and makes many good points. Consider reading it before my comments below the link.
I own a 10mm PCC that I can also convert to 357Sig (TNW's ASR). I do not own a 9mm PCC, but my brother has one from Keltec which works reliably. I have lot of mileage with it. I also own a Henry 357Mag lever gun which is the original PCC.
I really like them all. If politicians truly go crazy and ban semi-autos, I'll switch to leverguns as the next best thing after all my semi-autos end up lost in a tragic boating accident. Until then, I can find no compelling reason for PCCs to exist aside from the fun factor.
The only argument Pieter makes in the article that I find compelling, is that the magazines have a smaller footprint and ammo takes less space. I can work around that.
The gun in the attached picture (and many others like it) together with this ammo, relegate PCCs into well earned obsolescence.
Subsonic 300Blackout with the right bullet is just as quite as subsonic PCCs and a lot more quiet than supersonic PCCs, while shooting flatter with a more lethal bullet.
Unlike PCCs, if I want to add a little more range, I can also supersonic 300 Blackout ammo.
In either guise, it completely knocks the socks off of anything shooting a 9mm. 10mm and 357Mag, do offer a LOT more pop out of a 16" barrel than
9mm, but not more than supersonic 300Blackout.
The other seemingly compelling argument is that with 9mm, it is much cheaper to practice. That is absolutely true, but the ammo you would use for home defense is not cheap with either caliber. If you are truly looking for volume practice, a semi-auto 22LR set up to mimic the handling of whatever gun you use for defensive purposes is still the way to go.
My 300BLK Honey Badger is about the same general size and weight as a similarly good quality PCC and lighter than many. AR-15 form factor has well proven ergonomics. There are innumerable 30cal suppressors out there. As far as accuracy goes, it is more accurate than any and every pistol caliber long gun I have ever seen (that might be due to ammo, but gas system likely has something to do with it as well).
What am I missing here?