Production Element prismatic scopes have finally made their way here.
The BDC version of the 5x30 and the digital HYPR7 7x50 are in my hands. The mrad reticle version of the 5x30 should be here toward the end of next week.
I'll be starting out with the 5x30 and keep you posted how it goes. At first glance, I am pretty happy with the optics and the reticle. If it holds up mechanically, this might be the 5x prismatic to beat. However, I am not a disinterested party in all these, since I designed the reticles. These are not going to be cheap, so they better hold up.
This was my chance to test a coupe of reticle ideas, so I am curious to see how they pan out.
I plan to pair the 5x30 prismatic scope with a piggybacked Mediator enclosed red dot sight from Gideon Optics. If you are not familiar with Gideon Optics, I'll get into more details at a later point. Maybe, I'll even convince the gentleman behind the Gideon optics line to come and join me for a future livestream.
Tonight is the start of the Jewish New Year, so I am about to shut off my computer, head to the temple, and resist the temptation to tell the rabbi about my hog hunting adventures.
Yes, I am a bad Jew, but I still take a couple of Jewish Holidays somewhat seriously, Rosh Hashanah (tonight) and Yom Kippur (in ten days) being chief among them.
As an honorary Jewish redneck, all I can say is Shana Tova, Y'all!