Some of what you see below is directly plagiarized from what I wrote on this day two years ago on this exact day. Is it really plagiarism if I wrote the original?
It has been 22 years since 9/11 which for most of us is a very somber day to remember. 22 years is an oddly significant number since the kids graduating from college after this school year were mostly born after 9/11.
That means by the time they got to middle school, in most places in the country, the story of how we were attacked on 9/11 was fully replaced by the narrative of how America is the root of all evil and we should all feel guilty for being alive (I exaggerate, but you know what I mean).
Naturally, all the regular talking heads out there will fill the airwaves with detailed recollections of how they felt on that day from the safety of their studios. Even our retard-in-chief will, I am sure, chime in from Alaska or wherever he is hiding, with some heartfelt story that, in essence, boils down to: "never mind what I do, just listen and feeeeel that empathy in my voice".
He can take that empathy and shove it where the sun do not shine. His presidency has done more to enable the next jihadi attack on US soil than all the terrorists in the world could dream about. Hell, even Obama is sitting in his bunker on Martha's Vinyard and thinking that he grossly underestimated Joe's ability to fuck things up.
Remember that when yo go to the polls in 2024.
But I digress. I wasn't in New York on 9/11/2001. I didn't serve in the armed forces. I did not deploy to the Middle East. I did not make policy decisions.
Hell, arguably the biggest problem I, personally, had after 9/11 is that since I look vaguely Mediterranean and speak with a funny accent, I got strip searched a lot while trying to go through airport security. I like to think of that as a potentially important life skill: if I ever have to take a job at an obese and geriatric Chippendale's, I have had plenty of practice stripping down in world record times.
But I digress again. What I am trying to get to is that my feelings on 9/l1 do not matter. Neither do the feelings of most people who were not there for the attack or the subsequent deployments to the Middle East.
What I THINK on the subject may be worthwhile. What I FEEL is not.
With that, I am going to shut up for the day.