As many of you know, New Mexico governor Kim Jong Lujan (sometimes known as Michelle Lujan Grisham) decided that the Constitution and Bill of Rights no longer apply in New Mexico and suspended the 2nd Amendment in Bernalillo county for 30 days. She also said she plans to extend it afterwards. She is very well aware this is unconstitutional and will be challenged in court, yet moved forward with it. I have included below an e-mail I got from the gentleman who owns the local gun store I use (Right To Bear Arms). There are a couple of useful links there explaining what exactly our petty fascist tyrant of a governor is trying to do. I am not going to re-hash all of it, but I will point out a few of the important aspects that often get overlooked.
1) New Mexico used to be a blue dog democrat state. Now, it is just a very very blue state. Democrats are in complete control in New Mexico, so they are going to follow California's fascist path. "Fascist" is not the term I use lightly. Fascism is fundamentally a Left wing movement that is not qutie as hard Left as communists, but ideologically similar otherwise. Its most notable feature is complete rejection of individual rights and adherence to an absolute uniformity of thought. For fascists, the power of the state and the rights of the state are supreme to everything else. For the modern Democrat party in the US, power is their only value and their lust for power is the only thing that is absolute. When the governor says "No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute." she means it. Her quest for power is absolute, her oath is not.
2) Those rights she is talking about shoudl not be thought of as constitutional rights. That is not a good term. They are natural rights, specifically protected by the constitution, but they are not granted by the constitution. It is an important point that the vast majorit of the voters do not understant. Individuals have natural rights. Governement has only those rights granted to it via our laws. For Democrats, it is the opposite. If you live in New Mexico, think about it next time you go to the polls. When you look at various pro-2nd Amendement organizations that are not doing as much as you want them to do, keep in mind that there is no perfection in this world. NRA is not perfect. FPC is not perfect. GOA is not perfect. They are all staffed by normal humans and humans are fallible. However, in situations like this, they are the ones standing between us and tyranny. They are the ones lobbying politicians. They are the ones challenging this insanity in court. When we support these organizations, we give them the funds to pursue that. We call our politicians, but if you live in a blue state, Democrat politicians could not care less what you think. You are not going to vote for them anyway and they know it. If these pro-2nd Amendment organizations fail in their task at state level, the next step is moving to another state. If they fail at federal level, the next step is civil war. Let's all put time, money and effort into making sure we do not get to that.
3) Lujan is trying to justify this disregard of the constitution as a "public health emergency" encouraged by how complacent everyone was during COVID lockdowns. New Mexico was locked down even longer than California and there was very little pushback against it. It was an experiment in what happens if you lock people up and throw some money at them. Apparently, it was a successful experiment since all these marxist thugs now think they can get away with damn near anything as long as it is done in the name of public health. If you wonder whether New Mexico politicians are worried about their tax base and all that, they are not. The bulk of their tax revenue comes from oil and gas rich south eastern part of the state and from federal installations (Kirtland, Sandia, Los Alamos, White Sands, etc). If every middle class Republican picked up and left New Mexico, the politicians in Santa Fe would be dancing with joy. Their power would be solidified and, for as long as oil and gas are flowing, they have plenty of money to embezzle.
4) Phrasing this as an attack on the 2nd Amendment or on our rights is not, strictly speaking, accurate. It is also not an attempt to curb gun violence or crime rates or anything like that. They are malicious, but they are not stupid. It is a focused and well thought out attack on law abiding gun owners. Democrat politicians in Santa Fe know fully well that we did not vote for them. They want to make this state unbearable for us. In 2021, they passed a medical malpractice reform that greatly increased the punitive damages you can get from suing the doctor (a bill sponsored by the trial lawyer association). Since then, 30% of doctors left New Mexico for other states. It was an expected result. They did not care. The rich are doing fine with helthcare, while for the poor nothign changed. The middle class is getting shafted from all directions. New Mexico politicians are doing all they can to force the middle class out of this state. It is the rich and the poor who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. This has worked well for Democrats in California. The state is going to hell in a handbasket and middle class is escaping in every direction possible. California Democrat politicians love it. It gave them supermajority. New Mexico Democrat politicians want that same level of power and they will trample anything and everything in their way to get it.
New Mexico will be sued for this and our tax dollars will be used by the state for legally defending their tyranny. The irony of that is quite overwhelming.
I am not quite ready to move yet and my family situation is not conducive to that. However, the way things are going, I am not convinced there is a future for sane people in this state, unless we somehow convince a sufficient number of California Republicans to move here. California is well and truly lost, but new Mexico is a small state and it would not take all that many people to swing it back.
Barring that, a few years from now, Texas, Florida and Tenessee are looking pretty good...