Coming soon, to the mailbox near you...
It looks like the next High End Tactical review I do will be centered around some exceptionally high performing, but very expensive riflescopes.
It looks like I will be able to get my hands on both the 7-35x56 Tangent Theta and 6-36x56 S&B PMII toward the end of the month.
I talked to Will and we will try to get together once they get here to put them side-by-side with the ZCO 8-40x56 he has and March 5-42x56 I have on hand.
These will be the four primary competitors. Naturally, I will also have two of my reference standard scopes on hand: Tangent Theta 5-25x56 and Vortex Razor 6-36x56 to compare against.
The idea of a "reference standard" is something I picked up from a defunct binocular review website called "Better View Desired". The gentleman who ran it later took a job with Zeiss and stopped with the website. I talked to him once at SHOT. It was an interesting conversation. I got an impression that he hated the whole gun thing with a passion and had a hard time being near so many knuckle dragging, booger eating, gun-toting neanderthals. Whatever my disagreements with him may be, he was an exceptionally experienced birder and knew a lot about binoculars.
The idea of a '"reference standard" comes from a simple fact that in order to convey how something performs, you need to compare it to something people have seen or might be able to see. I tend to keep a few scopes on hand to use for these comparisons that show up again and again. They change occasionally, but not too much.