Updated reticle for March 1.5-15x42 DFP
March has released the information on the new updated reticle for the 1.5-15x42 DFP scope.
With the initially released reticle, the dots in the tree were just too small to easily see even on 15x.
That's what is in the scope I am testing.
Naturally, I was not the only one to note it and thre was a good amount of discussion on the Hide and elsewhere.
March, to their great credit, recognized that this is a problem and decided that they will make the dots larger and retrofit the scopes that are out there with the new reticle.
The big question, of course, was that it is not clear what the dot size should be. I think the initial release had 0.05mrad dots and that's just too small for a scope of this type. One of the reasons those dots are hard to see is perceptual: there are very prominent bold lines of the SFP reticle in front of you and that makes the small FFP dots hard for your brain to lock onto.
Another consideration is that you want to size those dots to be usable on the magnification setting where the scope will live most of the time.
I did not design the DFP reticles for March's 1-10-24 and 1.5-15x42, but they did ask for my input on the new 1.5-15x reticle.
When working through the reticle dimensions and usage of high magnification FFP riflescopes, I try to size the tree so that it essentially disappears from view below 10x or so. That is what I did with March's FML-TR1 that lives in their 4.5-28x52 and 5-42x56 scopes.
With the 1.5-15x42, the more conventional approach would be to do sorta the same thing scaled down: size the dots to be about perfect on 15x and let them fade out of view as you lower magnification.
However, I have the scope on my hunting oriented 6.5Grendel and that is just not how I use that gun. In the future, I plan to put this scope (once it is upgraded to the new reticle) onto my 8.6BLK Fix that is my primary hunting rifle.
In this scenario, the scope will be used in three ways:
1) 20% of the time: on low power (between 1.5x and 4x) with a thermal clip-on on front of it, shooting subsonics at pigs
2) 50% of the time: on mid power (between 5x and 11x) as a conventional hunting scope that is used from a variety of field positions.
3) 30% of the time: on high power (between 12x and 15x) when sighting in or shooting long range with subsonics.
Given the above, the tree portion of the reticle gets the most use during the 2nd scenario. When shooting from field positions, I prefer to hold with the reticle rather than dial.
When shooting longer distances at the range, I am more likely to dial than hold with the reticle.
With that in mind, I suggested they go for a dot size of 0.18mrad and that is what they ended up doing (see attached drawing of the redesigned reticle). With this dot size, the reticle tree should be nicely usable down 6x or 7x depending on the background. That will make it nicely adaptable for hunting and distance use.