What would you take with you?
Just because I can't leave it well enough alone...
Here is another version of the "if you could only have one" mental exercise for you. I do not know why I like these so much. Perhaps because adding some constraints helps me crystallize my thoughts.
Here is a set-up for you:
-You have a chance to take 12 months off work to get into an offroad capable motor home and drive all over North America. Personally, I might be inclined to stay in the contiguous 48, but the allure of Alaska might change that.
-What firearms would you take with you and why? You will not be able to re-supply very often, so everything you might need has to go with you.
What brought this on? A few years ago I discovered a company called Earthroamer. They make really cool looking expeditionary vehicle with absolutely eye watering price tags. I am in no danger of ever being able to afford one, but it does not mean I can't look.
Recently, I stumbled on a few other companies who do conceptually similar vehicles, and the one called Hunter RMV really caught my eye. https://www.hunterrmv.com/
That looks like one of those sci-fi apocalyptic vehicles and it is a lot less expensive than that Earthroamer.
Well, I can't afford one of these either, but I can still dream.
I sat down last night and came up with several viable scenarios. That made me think I should go and solicit some opinions from all of you before I publish those.
General disclaimer: I live a perfectly normal suburban life with family, kids, jobs and all the other obligations that are a part of being a responsible adult. However, when the kids go to college in a few years, I just might try to convince my wife to get one of these and go on some extended road trips. I doubt she will go for it, but, once again, one can dream. In that regard, I am a very lucky man. I can think of noone else who would be a better road trip companion than she is. Truthfully, both of us could use a sabbatical like that