This one is going to be different from what I normally write. Most importantly, it is going to be short by my standards.
To start off, take a look at the attached picture and tell me why you think a marginally sane adult would be sitting in his backyard with an airgun and wearing camo. I am not exactly blending in with my patio furniture.
I have been working on wrapping up with my review of the Arken SH4 Gen2 scope and it happens to be sitting on a very nice airgun I have (Edgun Leshiy2). I plan to go visit a friend of mine in South Florida to shoot iguanas and that will be the airgun to take. The Arken is probably a bit more scope than I need for that, but I figured I should try it on the Leshiy2 while we are at it.
When I headed to the backyard, I completely forgot that it has been raining a good bit in Albuquerque and that the insect life is thriving. Unfortunately, that means there is a horde of mosquitos out there. Now, a horde of mosquitos by New Mexico standards is not like what I would see in Alaska. These are also not pterodactyl-sized mosquitos that inhabit Texas and Florida. Most importantly, when I am surrounded by other people, local mosquitos tend to go after them and largely leave me be.
This time around, I was alone and after a few minutes (presumably they needed it to muster their courage), I was mobbed by a bunch of these bloodsucking pests.
It was messing with my aim. Then, I remembered that I had a Haeleum Darian shirt laying around ( My original plan when I got this shirt was to go to Texas to hunt hogs during the late spring/summer and see if it will help with the local wildlife. While in West Texas, I have been hit with everything from wingless wasps to blister beetles (these were particularly nasty) to mosquitos to... you name it. All of that came to a crushing halt since I was moving, so I never got a chance to really test the insect repelling properties of this shirt. Next time I go hog hunting is not going to happen until winter, which is good from a lack of insects standpoint, but does not help me with this shirt.
I have a couple of other pieces of insect repelling clothing from other companies that seem to help, but Haeleum shirt is less than half the price of those and here was a chance for a pretty clean experiment.
I ended up doing something that sane people do not normally do. After getting hit by a million mosquitos, I went inside the house, changed, and rejoined the battle again. They were waiting for me. They were buzzing around. Some landed on the shirt, but immediately took off. Something about it (presumably whatever repellant is in it) bothered them. I spent a few productive minutes sighting the scope in, then went back inside and changed to a similar long sleeve shirt except without any insect repellant in it... and immediately got mobbed by the mosquitos again.
Now, a perfectly clean experiment would be if I was able to clone myself and do the test with two people sitting their simultaneously, but that would have been technically difficult.
As is, I have good confidence that whatever insect repellant they use indeed works. Allegedly, it last for 70 washes. I have no idea if it does, but this shirt has been washed a few of times and still seems to work as advertised.
The fit is reasonable. I am a big guy so it is XXL. I normally use it during hot weather and it does wick moisture away while shielding me from the very aggressive New Mexico sun.
Do I have any complaints about it? I always have a couple and this case is no different.
The sleeves are a little short. I do not really understand why.
I would also appreciate some other camo patterns. Mossy Oak is a little out of place in the high desert out here.
Now, will a short like this help in June in Alaska? Probably not too much. I have seen them blot out the sky in the Arctic and nothing short of full body armor will stop that. However, around here, the Haeleum shirt seems to work as advertised.