As we get closer into the weekend, I figured I'll switch back to politics for a little bit. I have been somewhat lax in getting up to speed on what is happening in the Ukraine especially since with everything sorta slowing down it takes more digging to figure out what's happening. I'll talk to Eugene and see if he has time for an update this weekend.
In the meantime, I did look a little bit at what various sources, both pro-Western and pro-Russian are saying and doing.
One thing that is readily apparent is that for a variety of online commentators, Russia's invasion of the Ukraine has been an absolute boon for alt-media, but I surely did not expect them to be evenly divided between openly shilling for Russia and simply being, to quote Lenin, "useful idiots".
They seem to have a dedicated audience and their message is incredibly seductive to every conspiracy theorist, no matter how mild.
I do not have a good explanation for how successful their message is, but it clearly has mass appeal. I listen to it and I do not understand how anyone can take these people any more seriously than MSNBC, but somehow the idea that alt-media can be lying to you just as much as corporate media is not getting much traction.
Alt-right at this stage seems to be a near mirror image of hard left in its irrationality and group think.
A little critical thinking can go a long way, but I am, perhaps, belaboring the point.
A couple of last points and I'll wrap it up: whenever something that Russia tries to do in Ukraine fails, all the mainstream media people who can't find Ukraine or Russia on the map immediately announce that Russia is going to collapse within the next 30 seconds. In the meantime, alt-media who kinda know where Ukraine is on the map, but all they know about it is that it's a great place to pick up tall skinny 22 year old blonds, pronounce that Russia is playing 4D chess here, so everything that happened was pre-planned and the war is going exactly to plan.
The most amazing part if how alt-media continuously pushes the messages that all of the lost Ukrainian lives are the fault of the Ukrainian government and its Western supporters. If they just surrendered the country to Russia, everyone would just sing kumbaya, drink vodka and celebrate together.
The fact that Russia attacked Ukraine and majority of Ukrainians do not appear to want to be part of Russia does not come up at all.
It is a crazy world we live in.
In the meantime, I also have a new George Friedman article for you that I really enjoyed:
Here is the update from ISW.
It is notable that in some places Ukraine might finally going on the offensive. Perhaps that indicates that enough Western hardware is making it into the country to enable that.